The Summer of Loving Boundaries

This month’s blog post is a bit of a manifesto and I'm thankful of your time with me here! From time to time I like to call obvious attention to how I run Premye, because I want to be clear on who I am, what I offer, and how I want to engage with folks.

It’s the first day of Summer and this year, I'm calling in loving boundaries and abundance for us all! This share centers boundaries I'm rolling out in two areas that I'm calling ‘Showing Up and Stepping Back’.

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Premye Filette
Thanks Giving, Thanks Sharing - Allyship from the Margins

Just like with other large social classifications, Native Americans aren't a monolith ... I can only speak to this as it mirrors the Black Diaspora experience in this country, but I share those known complications to implore folx to seek multiple overlapping resources to inform and help nuance their understanding.

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Premye Filette
Tea and Tisanes; Traditions and Translations

Folk herbalism, what I like to think of as “the magick inherent in working with plant matter, elemental energy, and intention” is a balm and an aid in troubling times. Just like deepening spiritual practices, taking time to care for ones communities, and intentionally cultivating patience and balance can do the same.

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Thin Veil Thoughts & Farewell to Fall

The below is a fuller version of my November 2020 Newsletter update.

In our last month of Fall and the height of Spooky Season, I feel like so many of my witchier friends whose paths follow nature, ancestry, and intentional energy work practices… We quietly work our magick all year, but in the late fall, we all show out! That's because in all practices, religious or otherwise, we follow natural cycles. So in this season of thin veils, happy prayers for harvest blessings, and turning in to honor home and hearths, I want to honor both my ancestors and my teachers in my work with Premye and life!

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Premye Filette
Notes on Origin Stories and Mission Statements

The below is a fuller version of my September 2020 Newsletter update.

You'll forgive me a longer than usual intro, #CareFreeLYSociety friends coz next month is Premyé's third year of operation and I'm getting sentimental, ha! I committed to strengthening Premyé's offerings and community last year via the newsletter, new products, and fundraising/volunteer work. I share that for transparency and to focus this next message on another annual promise I have for Premyé: revisiting its birth story and mission.

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Premye Filette
Home slices and Bao besties

It’s month two of small business ownership and I'm happy to report I've got accomplishments and thanks to share! Life in #SlowSideHustle land is good, and life outside of it is pretty good, too! I traveled a lot this year mostly for work, but luckily I got to sneak in some fun personal travel this month. I spent about 60 hours in Chicago last weekend and it was glorious, y'all, despite that notorious Chicago winter wind!

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